Friday, February 2, 2007


Tonight the family went to a craft party. The plan was for all of us to go, and I would help Perry make some valentines until it was time for him to go home with Daddy. I would stay and actually get some socializin' and knitting in after the kidlet's bedtime.

All was going well until Perry slipped and hit his face on the corner of a coffee table. I scooped him up, forgetting that I was wearing light-colored cashmere. Yikes! Fortunately I managed to pull off the sweater before any of Perry's blood got on it. My turtleneck ended up with some, but that's all fine. So I ended up going home with Perry and Jay, and now that I'm here I'm really sleepy, probably from all the excitement.

Perry had a small cut over one eye, and will probably have a nasty bruise. We got a band-aid on him, but he refused cold packs, so we're hoping that Tylenol and sleep will keep him from swelling or hurting too much. He went to bed saying "Valentine house dangerous. Be careful."

1 comment:

Mona said...

ooh...poor Perry ;-(. mean Valentine House.

About Me

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Mountain View, California
This is Perry's blog. Since he can't type yet, and people (actually, mainly his relatives) want to know what's going on with him, I have started this blog as a spin-off from my own. He can take it over later if he wants to, but I'm sure by the time he's old enough to publish his own thoughts, he'll probably upload them directly from his cortical implant or something.