Sunday, February 11, 2007


This afternoon we're going to a birthday party for one of the kids from Perry's daycare. He's two, so the card we give him won't be of much interest, but I thought Perry and I could make one, anyway. Perry had a lot of fun glueing squares of tissue paper to the construction paper card, and picking out buggy rubber stamps for decorations. He even scribbled a little inscription. A masterpiece of ephemera.

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About Me

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Mountain View, California
This is Perry's blog. Since he can't type yet, and people (actually, mainly his relatives) want to know what's going on with him, I have started this blog as a spin-off from my own. He can take it over later if he wants to, but I'm sure by the time he's old enough to publish his own thoughts, he'll probably upload them directly from his cortical implant or something.