Monday, February 12, 2007

Food Shots

Perry has recovered his appetite. Here are some pictures of him eating.

Bagel and cream cheese.


Baskin Robbins "Wild 'N Reckless" (sic) sherbet. It even tastes good!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


This afternoon we're going to a birthday party for one of the kids from Perry's daycare. He's two, so the card we give him won't be of much interest, but I thought Perry and I could make one, anyway. Perry had a lot of fun glueing squares of tissue paper to the construction paper card, and picking out buggy rubber stamps for decorations. He even scribbled a little inscription. A masterpiece of ephemera.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

and then uglier ... but not really

Okay, last post ended after we got home from the emergency room. By that time Perry hadn't had much to drink for about 6 hours, and maybe a quarter of a banana to eat. We got home hoping not to have to clean up any more vomit. The good news was that he stopped throwing up. The bad news that actually was kind of good news was that he began to show signs of fever. It was bad news because Perry wasn't over being sick, but it was good news because it means that all the vomiting was at least partly due to a stomach virus and not necessarily because of a terrible concussion.

Sometime in the middle of the night on Sat night/Sun morning the diarrhea started. Let's just say that over the course of the next 24 to 30 hours we went through 3 changes of sheets and about 7 different changes of clothes. In between Perry lay nearly motionless on the couch watching endless hours of children's educational programming. He's going to be a toddler genius after this, or something.

Monday and Tuesday have been spent recovering, and sparing Perry's daycare from the horror. But he should be just fine on Wednesday. We should be just fine shortly thereafter.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

And then it got ugly ...

Perry settled just fine last night, but woke at midnight with shivers and woke again at 1:30 in a pool of vomit. He kept puking all night long and into the morning. We stayed up with him watching children's PBS programs (having 24 hour Sprout and KQED Kids on the rare occasions when Perry is sick makes our digital cable bill worth every penny). Perry only slept about an hour in 15 minute snatches, and Jay and I took turns out on the couch. But since it took two of us to deal with the barfing, neither one of us got more than 45 minutes of sleep at a time. In the morning I had an errand to run,, and I called up our hostess to let her know that one of the kids who had been at her party was now sick, and the other parents might want to know. She is in training to become an EMT, so she knew that nausea and vomiting after a blow to the head are a danger sign, and asked me to call a doctor.

The advice nurse at the urgent care heard the situation and told us that we needed to immediately go to an emergency room.

So, off we bundled to El Camino Hospital. They're the place to go if you don't need complex care, and the other times we'd been there Perry didn't have to wait long for medical care. Today, though, even though it was early afternoon on a Saturday, was a total zoo. We waited only 15 minutes before Perry was seen by a PA, but it was another 4 hours before he could get the CT scan the doctors wanted. Ambulance after ambulance kept rolling in with sick ("sick like dead or dying", said one nurse) babies and toddlers, and there was more than one old person who had fallen and banged their heads. Perry was relatively low priority for the scan.

After his scan we waited another hour and a half to get the results. It's frustrating to realize that if it were bad news they'd tell us quickly, but to have to wait forever to be told essentially "You're fine, go home". Eventually a nurse came in and told us "you're fine, go home. Oh, and here is a scrip for anti-nausea medication. Come back if he doesn't get better in a day or so." The scan came back normal, whatever that means. The discharge papers had a diagnosis of concussion, but they think the vomiting was likely because of a coincidental stomach virus. In any case, we did the right thing to take him in, and we're happy there's no swelling or bruising of the brain.

Perry had a little banana and a lot of apple juice and has kept it all down. Hopefully he'll wake up hungry in the morning.

Friday, February 2, 2007


Tonight the family went to a craft party. The plan was for all of us to go, and I would help Perry make some valentines until it was time for him to go home with Daddy. I would stay and actually get some socializin' and knitting in after the kidlet's bedtime.

All was going well until Perry slipped and hit his face on the corner of a coffee table. I scooped him up, forgetting that I was wearing light-colored cashmere. Yikes! Fortunately I managed to pull off the sweater before any of Perry's blood got on it. My turtleneck ended up with some, but that's all fine. So I ended up going home with Perry and Jay, and now that I'm here I'm really sleepy, probably from all the excitement.

Perry had a small cut over one eye, and will probably have a nasty bruise. We got a band-aid on him, but he refused cold packs, so we're hoping that Tylenol and sleep will keep him from swelling or hurting too much. He went to bed saying "Valentine house dangerous. Be careful."

About Me

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Mountain View, California
This is Perry's blog. Since he can't type yet, and people (actually, mainly his relatives) want to know what's going on with him, I have started this blog as a spin-off from my own. He can take it over later if he wants to, but I'm sure by the time he's old enough to publish his own thoughts, he'll probably upload them directly from his cortical implant or something.